Tuesday, May 31, 2016

So Sunny May

Wow, I kind of really left this to the last moment. Last day of May and all, but no only that, I put it off the last two days, when I had time to do it. Then I remembered today and said, well I sure can't leave it for tomorrow. So here I am.

This month has been characterized by a few new things. One, sun. Well not really sun in general, we have that here, but warmth, and hotness coming from the sun in large quantities, if you know what I mean. Two, Americans. Literally Americans (and a girl from Canada). This month I have had more contact with Americans and have spoken more in English than probably the last 7 months combined. Three, an increased awareness (by all) that my time here is almost over (at least for this stay).

As for the sun, it kind of explains itself. The sun has officially came out in Spain, and sometimes it is hot and sometimes it is not. But now at least I can wear some shorts, and it's nicer to go out and stay out. The sun is fun.

As for the Americans, well, maybe we should just say Englsih speaking people. Even though most have been Americans.

Fun Fact: Saying that you are "americano" to any person from Spain does NOT mean that you are from the United States of America. It means that you are from the continent of America, which for Spanish people is from Argentina to Alaska. When you "americanos" understand what I wrote, you will probably be surprised. Ummm no, only Americans are americanos. But that's not really at all true, and it all has to do with the different views of what and which land mass is a continent. To learn more about this topic you can go to this article and the Wikipedia page that does have a cool gif even if the content [could] be questionable. 

Okay, back to the Englsih speaking people. A friend of the family, from Canada, came to visit for a few days, and she stayed in out house. During that same time my host mom decided that we could house two more Americans. Well, not house, but feed, they stay in a different apartment. They are two college students from St. John's in Minnesota. They are here for 5 weeks, and are earning all the Spanish credits they will need for college in this month by living and studying here.

Those two aren't the only "kids" from St. John's living and studying in Valladolid. There are about 40 of them, some of whom I have met. Another reason for there being a lot more Americans in Valladolid (and Spain in general) is that in America, a lot of schools are out for the summer and the college semester is over. And Spain is great for vacation, thus, Americans.

Well, as I mentioned before, it is alost time for me to be catching a plane from Madrid to state-side. Only a little more than two weeks are left of this stay in Spain. It won't be last time I'm here, but it brings to conclusion a long period of many new things, learning a language, and being away from home. Things will have changed everywhere, but it's time. Time for me to get back to my family and speak English [regularly] again. I won't say that I want to leave, but it's probably time to say goodbye (for now). Although, I will not be saying goodbye until the last second. (:

FYI: I now have a Facebook, which gets more frequent updates and probably more pictures, although I don't say much on there. If you know my face you can probably find me on Facebook. (;

Un saludo, Miguel Sabol

Paintballing with the friends

Fernando, Pablo, and Miguel Millaruelos's graduation. Only Fernando and a friend from class are pictured. 

A little trip to Madrid 

Pilar Millaruelo graduates from college (for the second time)

Miguel Sabol graduates college!!
